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Graduation Cords Information
Future Business Leaders of America - FBLA (Blue and Gold)
- Be a member of FBLA
- Hours of service
Future Farmers of Tomorrow - FFA (Blue and Gold)
Key Club (Dark Blue)
- 30 hours of community service
National Achiever's Society (Black and Gold)
- GPA 3.25 or above
- 40 hours of community service
- Attend 75% of meetings
- Dues paid in full
National Art Honor Society (Multicolored)
National Honors Society (Blue and Gold)
- 3.25 GPA or above
- 60 hours of Community Service
National Technical Honor Society - NTHS (Purple and White)
- Membership in NTHS
- GPA of 3.25 or above
- 90 or above on each of at least three CTE courses with one being a Level II Class
Red Ram Mentors (Red/Black/White)
- Community Service Project
- 3 hours X 10 months for two years
- Mentor logs submitted for approval
Red Ram Student Booster Club (Black and Red)
- 20 hours of service per each year of high school
Relay for Life (Purple)
- 20 hours of continuous service throughout all four years of high school.
SkillsUSA (Red and White)
- Member of FHS SkillsUSA
- 3.25 GPA or above
- Minimum of 15 community service hours per year
Theatre Honors (Purple and Teal)
- Complete the following with a B or higher: Four theater classes including two honors-level courses
Unified Champions (Teal)
- 20 hours of service/year for at least 3 years.