Visual & Performing Arts
Instrumental Music
Instrumental Music Course Offerings
- Colorguard
- Concert Band Developing, Intermediate, Accomplished Honors, Advanced Honors
- Guitar Methods Beginner, Intermediate, Accomplished Honors, Advanced Honors
- Independent Study: Music Specilization Honors
- Jazz Ensemble Intermediate, Accomplished Honors, Advanced Honors
- Marching Band Beginner, Intermediate, Accomplished Honors, and Advanced Honors
- Symphonic Band Accomplished Honors and Advanced Honors
Grade Level: 9-12
(Offered at BHS)
Prerequiste: Band instructor recommendation
This is a performance ensemble emphasizing the fundamentals of body and equipment movement through choreographed routines and drill design. The color guard functions as an auxiliary unit to the marching band in Fall. Performances include marching band activities.
Concert Band Developing, Intermediate, Accomplished Honors, Advanced Honors
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Instrument Recommendation. Skill level (Developing, Intermediate, Accomplished-Honors, Advanced-Honors) will be determined by the instructor.
Provides instrumental instruction both individually and collectively. Literature of all styles and periods will be studied. Development of musical techniques such as tone quality, intonation, and style will be continued. Grading is based on required performances.
Guitar Methods Beginner, Intermediate, Accomplished Honors, Advanced Honors
(Offered at LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, Accomplished-Honors, and Advanced-Honors) will be determined by the instructor.
This class is open to all levels of experience. The students will learn melodic playing, chord playing, and improvisational techniques. Instruction will be both group and individual, with assessments being given based on the talent level of each Individual. This class will perform in 2 concerts during the semester. (Students can register for multiple sections of Guitar Methods in a school year and level up to receive Honors credit.)
Independent Study: Music Specilization Honors
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Instructor Recommendation. Skill level (Accomplished & Advanced )will be determined by the instructor.
The student works independently in a special area of concentration selected by the student with the music teacher's approval. A student must have a sponsoring teacher and must have arranged a program of study prior to registering for this course.
Jazz Ensemble Intermediate, Accomplished Honors, Advanced Honors
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Instructor Recommendation. Skill level (Intermediate, Accomplished-Honors and Advanced-Honors) will be determined by the instructor.
The Jazz Ensemble dedicates itself to the study of jazz. The Jazz Ensemble studies many different styles and performs regularly throughout the community. Students will be exposed to theory, improvisation, and an introduction to the major contributors to this fine American art form. This class meets before or after school at some schools and during the school day at others. Please check with the band director at your school for scheduling specifics.
Marching Band Beginner, Intermediate, Accomplished Honors, and Advanced Honors
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, Accomplished-Honors, Advanced-Honors) will be determined by the instructor.
Students study the fundamentals of music while performing more advanced literature. Aesthetic awareness and technical ability are developed through a variety of performance opportunities. Participation in school rehearsals and performances is expected.
Symphonic Band Accomplished Honors and Advanced Honors
(Offered at FHS)
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Instructor Recommendation Skill level Accomplished Honors, Advanced Honors) will be determined by the instructor.
Students will be enrolled in the regular Symphonic Band class. The Honors Band course allows juniors and seniors who have consistently participated in the band to further develop their musical skills by meeting additional requirements such as preparing and auditioning for the All-District Band and attending concerts. The honors requirements will be completed as extracurricular projects.
Theatre Arts
Theatre Arts Course Offerings
- Theatre Appreciation
- Theatre Art Beginning
- Theatre Art Intermediate
- Theatre Art Accomplished Honors
- Theatre Art IV Advanced Honors
- Technical Theatre Beginning
- Technical Theatre Accomplished Honors
- Technical Theatre III Honors
- Independent Study: Theatre Art Specialization (Levels Accomplished & Advanced)-Honors
Theatre Appreciation
Theatre Art Beginning
Theatre Art Intermediate
Grade Level: 10-12
(Offered at FHS)
Prerequisite: Theater Art I
Designed for students who are serious about drama. The focus will be method acting techniques. Students will learn how to audition for parts, apply stage make-up, and critique plays. Several professional plays will be viewed. Students are expected to participate in the spring play and are required to join Drama Club.
Theatre Art Accomplished Honors
Theatre Art IV Advanced Honors
Technical Theatre Beginning
Technical Theatre Accomplished Honors
Technical Theatre III Honors
Grade Level: 10-12
(Offered at FHS)
Prerequisite: Technical Theatre II
Students who have demonstrated a high skill level in technical theatre can continue to study various areas of technical theatre by focusing on more advanced design and production skills. Students are expected to participate in after-school rehearsals and performances as well as provide technical support for school- based events.
Independent Study: Theatre Art Specialization (Levels Accomplished & Advanced)-Honors
Grade Level: 11-12
(Offered at FHS)
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Advanced Honors
The student works independently in a special area of concentration selected by the student with the theatre teacher’s approval. A student must have a sponsoring teacher and must have arranged a program of study prior to registering for this course.
Visual Arts
Visual Arts Course Offerings
- AP Studio Art and Drawing
- AP Studio Art 3D Design
- Studio Art
- Visual Arts Beginning
- Visual Arts Intermediate
- Visual Arts Accomplished Honors
- Visual Arts Advanced Honors
- Independent Study: Visual Arts Specialization (Proficient & Advanced levels)-Honors
AP Studio Art and Drawing
Grade Level: 10-12
(Offered at FHS)
Prerequisite: Studio Art. Teacher recommendation
Students enrolled in AP Studio Art-Drawing will work toward the development of a comprehensive portfolio with the goal of meeting requirements for entry level college classes. The individual sections of each portfolio component—Quality, Concentration and Breadth—are discussed in detail. Examples from professional artists, College Board and past students’ work are presented and discussed in relation to each section of the portfolio. Students will be expected to develop mastery in concept, composition and execution of ideas. Ideas and research for the independent student planned projects are to be documented in their sketchbooks.
AP Studio Art 3D Design
Grade Level: 10-12
(Offered at FHS)
Prerequisite: 85 average in Art I and Art II recommended with teacher recommendation. Geometry and Anatomy/ Physiology suggested.
This course is an introduction to three-dimensional techniques with a variety of media. Students experiment with and learn different methods of sculpture. Students learn critique and evaluation processes. A sketchbook is required.
Studio Art
Grade Level: 10-12
(Offered at FHS)
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
This course involves a more in-depth approach toward learning drawing, painting, printmaking, and ceramic techniques. It expands the use of vocabulary, processes, media and history. Term paper and sketchbook required. As a result, the student should demonstrate greater mastery of skills and processes.
Visual Arts Beginning
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9
This course will focus on literature and composition, reinforcing a study of standard grammar usage, mechanics, and vocabulary. In literature, the course includes the short story, the novel, drama, poetry, mythology and non-fiction. This course will focus on the development of critical thinking and study skills. Emphasis is given to the development of written and oral communication skills with a focus on paragraph and essay writing, creative writing, principles of research and debating, and a comprehensive review of grammar and mechanics.
Visual Arts Intermediate
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Visual Arts Beginner
This course is an in depth study of various media with emphasis on creativity and craftsmanship. A review of design elements is involved. Drawing, painting, and ceramic techniques are stressed along with art history. A sketchbook with assignments is required.
Visual Arts Accomplished Honors
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Visual Arts Intermediate
Heavy emphasis is placed on perfecting and expanding drawing, painting, and sculpture skills. Students are introduced to basic visual design techniques. Students design independent projects which are based on the study of art history and the elements of design. A sketchbook with assignments is required.
Visual Arts Advanced Honors
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Visual Arts Accomplished/Teacher recommendation
This course is designed as an independent study. Students and the instructor work closely in selecting assignments and projects that will continue to inspire creativity and perfect art skills. Emphasis is placed on independent learning and the self-exploration of art media and art history. A sketchbook with assignments is required.
Independent Study: Visual Arts Specialization (Proficient & Advanced levels)-Honors
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Instructor Recommendation
The student works independently in a special area of concentration selected by the student with the visual arts teacher's approval. A student must have a sponsoring teacher and must have arranged a program of study prior to registering for this course.
Vocal Ensemble
Vocal Music Course Offerings
- Vocal Ensemble Beginning
- Vocal Ensemble Intermediate
- Vocal Ensemble Accomplished Honors
- Vocal Ensemble Advanced Honors
Vocal Ensemble Beginning
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Many types of contemporary choral music as well as choral music from the major periods of musical history will be prepared for performance by students in this class. Emphasis placed on good vocal production. Performances are required. Other course objectives include learning the mechanics of music and sight singing as well as gaining a general music appreciation.
Vocal Ensemble Intermediate
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Vocal Ensemble Beginning
Skill level (Intermediate, Accomplished-Honors, Advanced-Honors) will be determined by the instructor.
Students will demonstrate proficient skills relating to vocal production, music theory knowledge, and performance techniques. This group studies and performs more advanced levels of choral literature, including diverse genres and historical periods. Emphasis is on refined tone quality, balance, intonation, interpretation, and ear training. Strong sight-reading and musical literacy skills are prerequisites to participate at this level of study. Students continue developing vocal skills through extensive study of classical and contemporary works. Adequate proficiency in sight-reading and a basic understanding of the fundamentals of music are necessary because of the vast amount of choral literature taught and memorized during the year. Participation in school rehearsals and performances is expected.
Vocal Ensemble Accomplished Honors
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Vocal Ensemble Intermediate
Skill level (Intermediate, Accomplished-Honors, Advanced-Honors) will be determined by the instructor.
Success at the honors level requires rigorous study, excellence in performance, extensive knowledge of all areas of music including music theory, and an in-depth study of a variety of advanced music literature. Participation in school rehearsals and performances is expected.
Vocal Ensemble Advanced Honors
(Offered at BHS, FHS, LMHS)
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Vocal Ensemble Accomplished
Skill level (Intermediate, Accomplished-Honors, Advanced-Honors) will be determined by the instructor.
Students will demonstrate proficient skills relating to vocal production, music theory knowledge, and performance techniques. This group studies and performs more advanced levels of choral literature, including diverse genres and historical periods. Emphasis is on refined tone quality, balance, intonation, interpretation, and ear training. Strong sight-reading and musical literacy skills are prerequisites to participate at this level of study. Success at the honors level requires rigorous study, excellence in performance, extensive knowledge of all areas of music including music theory, and an in-depth study of a variety of advanced music literature. Participation in school rehearsals and performances is expected.
Music Appreciation
AP Music Theory
(Offered at LMHS)
Grade Level: 10-12
The AP Music Theory course corresponds to one or two semesters of a typical introductory college music theory course that covers topics such as musicianship, theory, musical materials, and procedures. Musicianship skills, including dictation and other listening skills, sight singing, and harmony, are considered an important part of the course. Through the course, students develop the ability to recognize, understand, and describe basic materials and processes of tonal music that are heard or presented in a score. The development of aural skills is a primary objective. Performance is also part of the curriculum through the practice of sight singing. Students understand basic concepts and terminology by listening to and performing a wide variety of music. Notational skills, speed, and fluency with basic materials are also emphasized.
NCVPS Online Art and Music Electives
North Carolina Virtual Public School is an initiative by the State of North Carolina through which certified teachers provide online instruction in courses that meet the objectives of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. NCVPS course availability is based upon funding that high schools receive each school year for online courses and the number of course sections offered by NCVPS, so students need to plan their course of studies carefully with the assistance of their school counselor. FCS high schools may restrict enrollment in online classes to courses not already being provided face-to-face. Details about NCVPS are found at
Prerequisite: 3.0 GPA Recommended
Note: Students should see their school counselor for online course availability and enrollment deadlines.
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Descriptions for NCVPS Online Art and Music Electives
These are online Art and Music electives that are not available face-to-face at some FCS high schools.
- AP Art History
- Art In World Cultures -Intermediate
- Art of Photography -Intermediate
- Art of Game Design - Intermediate Note: This course IS NOT a coding, computer science or video game development course.
- Visual Journaling - Intermediate
- Art of Fashion Design - Intermediate